Wednesday 9 January 2013

Digi pak ideas

This is our frst idea for our digi pack. Our initial idea although may seem to be simple we feel outlines the isolation that is reflected within the music video. After researching other styles of digi paks we noticed that key ideas needed to be got across as a priority.

This is our elaborated idea, we decided to include the use of the imaginary friend because we thought this was a key theme that we needed to emphasise more strongly so we thought including it on the digi pak would help a great deal. However we did have a thought that including the other person on the cover would take away from the sense of isolation feel we thought. And this is the main image we want to portray. 

Finished Film

Final cut of the video that is now ready for viewing, we have put the final touches to the film and now feel that it is the best it can be and are all happy with it.